Signs of spring!!
Yesterday, St. Patrick's Day, Carter was off of school. So that along side the WONDERFUL weather, I decided to take the kids to the zoo. It was our first trip this year, and it was a great day for it! The animals were all very active and I got a bunch of great pictures!
I think one of my favorite animals to watch are the walruses. They always seem to be so active! The youngest one loves coming up to the glass with the kids! I think he likes the attention as much as they do!
I think this next one is funny because of the reflection of a girl's arm that looks like it's coming right out of the walruses mouth! lol
The next photo-opp presented itself in the forest.
Let's try again...
I decided to put on Lylah's monkey back-pack (aka: leash) because I wasn't sure how she'd do without being in a stroller at all, and if she'd try running too far ahead. However, we didn't even need it. She stayed with me the whole time, not trying to run off even once. =) I was a happy mommy!
In the petting-farm the kids really liked being able to touch the animals.
Nathan especially like touching the (CRINGE) cockroaches. BLA! It was even worse for me after the lady mentioned the mites that live on them-- and I saw one! Ugh! She wasn't worried at all about them getting on her hand! I was gagging!
This was the meanest rooster ever! You couldn't get too close to the wire or he'd peck at it! Of course the kids all thought it was funny while I was panicking making sure they still had all their fingers! lol
I always love taking pictures of the giraffes! If you look close, you can see a gazelle behind the giraffe's legs in the back.
Look closer... see him! He was standing up rubbing his horns and head in and out of the long hair on the giraffe's tail!
Go-go gadget arms!
When we sat down for a bit of a break, the boys decided to start arguing over who was going to hold and look at the map. So, they each got a time-out at the table. I was mean and took a picture of them pouting! =)
Lylah wasn't in trouble, but because I was taking a picture of the boys pouting, she wanted to pout so I'd take her picture too! As soon as I clicked the picture, she looked up, smiled, and said "I wanna see the picture!" She's such a ham!
I finally decided to let them play at the park there. Usually we pass it up, but today I thought I'd let them enjoy it.
Here, Carter is mad that he lost at tic-tac-toe. I try to give him helpful hints, but- he's still learning. We're also still working on sportsmanship (hence the picture of his loosing face so I could show it to him later!).
Nathan is so silly sometimes! He decides to make the goofiest faces right as I'm clicking the camera! He was smiling right before this!
Just as I finally got both Nathan and Lylah to look at the camera AND smile, Carter decided to make a funny face! Thanks Carter! ;)
The sharks were especially friendly too! They usually make a few passes near you, and you're lucky if they're shallow enough for you to touch them. But, today they were eating up all the attention!
They would swim right up to you, and some would even turn kind of on their side, like they were begging to get pet! lol
Hey... I have an idea... how about we stop right in the middle of the floor and look down so we can see the penguins swimming from one side to the other!
Better yet- why would the designers of this exhibit put the see-through floor right in the middle of the walkway!? lol
I absolutely LOVE this picture! They're both looking at the map like they are really trying to figure something out! Look at the confused look on Nathan's face! Typical guys!
After we renew our membership next month, I know this year we'll have plenty more trips to the zoo, and plenty more pictures! The kids are looking forward to summer when they open the water play area back up and for the new 'Dragon' exhibit to open in a couple of months! I love that the weather is changing and we can say bye-bye to cabin fever!