After my 9/11 remembrance, I also want to do a blog updating on the regular happenings of our lives.
We didn't really do anything special. I got Zach a new GPS for work.
My gift was a piano. We had been planning on getting one, but decided to spend a little more on one and it'd be part of my anniversary and birthday gifts. So, I am so happy with my piano! If you saw the one I used to have, you'd appreciate this one so much more too! It's beautiful and I LOVE playing!
And... lastly... I'm sure you've been wondering what on earth could I possibly have to say about cantaloupes?! Well- it's silly, but then again, I'm silly- so there you go! My neighbor brought over a home-grown cantaloupe for us yesterday. She didn't mean to grow cantaloupes- she was composting into her rose garden, and had mixed in cantaloupe seeds, not expecting them to actually grow. Well, here's the result:
The cantaloupe on the left side of the picture is one I just bought at the store. The HUGE volleyball sized one on the right is from my neighbor! I just wanted to share my amazement!
Some other quick updates:
Carter is still liking Kindergarten so far. They're just reviewing things now, but will start reading homework soon. He doesn't really have much to say about it, but I'm learning that's a guy thing. I guess I was hoping he'd have my detail telling skills- guess not. lol
I've been working on teaching Lylah her colors. She's learned red- well- the word red anyway! To her, everything is red right now- whether it's a tomato or a cucumber- she says it's red!
Anyway! That's all the update for now. I need go get to learning time! But, before I forget... for those of you that received this update through your email: I have this program automatically send you an email notification whenever I update this blog. If you'd rather not receive this email and you just want to check the blog on your own when you get a chance, let me know and I'll remove your email from this setting. (no hard feelings) If you didn't receive an email update and would like to, let me know and I'll add you. =)
Love you all!!
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